Voo Visits

Voo Visits: Anatomie Fleur

Nayeun Kim
Lara Ohl
Voo Visits is a series introducing new and old friends of Voo, like-minded creatives and people from Berlin who inspire us. For this episode, we speak to Berlin-based Anatomie Fleur.
Voo Visits: Anatomie Fleur

Amandine Cheveau & Jean-Christian Pullin are the co-founders behind the Berlin-based floral design studio, Anatomie Fleur.

Bonding over a shared interest in floristry and a sense of being “drawn to the transformative energy that the city [Berlin] evokes,” Anatomie Fleur was born in 2016, focusing on experimental installations using temporary sculptures made of Botanics and florals as the primary medium. “Flowers can invite a stigma of domestication and comfort” the duo explain, and the studio is pushing “to break the boundaries to achieve a more diverse interpretation” with the ephemeral medium.

Asked about their personal and professional relationship to the city, the duo reflect on their initial impression of Berlin as being a place of “possibilities of creating new dialogues with its thriving cultural sectors” and now, with their artistic platform "want to be agents of change, that is not as easily possible in more established metropolises."

The studio follows a simple philosophy that the concept is secondary to the emotional aspect of their work. It is this sentimentality that plays a crucial role in the lasting impact experienced by the viewer that a simple "decorative object" could not achieve, adding “we each have our sensibilities and desires we bring to our work to make personal pieces through retelling of stories, emotions, and thoughts in something as seemingly simple as a bouquet”.

With an impressive portfolio to date, Amandine and Jean-Christian admit most of the collaborators have come naturally, often after the client has come in contact with the studio's installation at another event or exhibition - a subtle nod and affirmation to the studio’s vision and originality.



Photo: Lara Ohl
Words: Nayeun Kim