Autre Magazine: Wolfgang Tillmans

Autre Magazine launches their 14th issue with an exclusive signing by German photography legend and issue contributor Wolfgang Tillmans. Presenting their Spring Summer ’22 and 14th issue, Voo Store hosted Autre Magazine with an exclusive signing by German photography legend, musician, political activist and issue contributor Wolfgang Tillmans.

Autre Magazine: Wolfgang Tillmans

„The Body Issue“ explores the meaning and potentialities of the human body in the 21st century considering the current social, political, economical and environmental state of our society. With a war on human bodies raging in the world, whether it be through a pandemic, rulings over reproductive and gay rights, the climate crisis, racial violence and the invasion of countries, Autre collaborates with voices of our generation for a cross-disciplinary, exhaustive exploration of human bodies and the spaces they inherit.

Wolfgang Tillmans, Kreuzberg-local and undoubtedly one of the most important photographers of our time, contributed to „The Body Issue“ with a conversation of his expansive musical practice (Tillmans recently released his debut album Moon in Earth Light) alongside a special portfolio of images, showing his photographic point of view - vulnerable, naked, free, alive. For the issue release Tillmans came over to Voo Store for an exclusive signing of Autre magazine as well as his debut album and the recordings.